SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a control system for various technical processes.
North America and Europe view SCADA differently. In North America, SCADA is a system of human machine interfaces (HMIs), supervisory computer systems, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and remote terminal units (RTUs). On the other hand, Europe distinguishes between automation levels with an "automation pyramid". In this case, the "automation pyramid" is actually an IEC 62264 Enterprise-control system integration standard. IEC 62264 is the ANSI/ISA-95 based international standard for enterprise-control system integration.
Osorno SCADA or OSCADA is our long-term research and development project.
OSCADA co-ordinates, processes, and records process data. PLCs are not part of OSCADA, meaning that PLCs and OSCADA devices operate independently. Remarkably, OSCADA can run on touch screen PCs with a Linux operating system.
Firstly, we only use Open Source hardware components for SCADA and stay away from proprietary components. Secondly, OSCADA systems can send alerts by Internet through email or SMS. Thirdly, OSCADA has cross-platform capability and can act as a server. Thus, OSCADA can provide users with local or remote access, independent of the operating system of the remote computer.
OSCADA has an outstanding security level. It can provide encrypted data transfer, hierarchical user privileges, and highly detailed logs, all on top of a secure connection.
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