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Water Disinfection

Osorno offers custom water disinfection solutions for a variety of applications. All of our solutions are complete, beginning from our initial inquiry all the way through to the installation and maintenance of the treatment system.

Potable Water

Disinfecting drinking water remains a challenge in the 21st century, and has only become more difficult with the growing world population. Despite there being many ways to disinfect water, only two methods provide a measurable residual – chlorine and chlorine dioxide. In particular, chlorine dioxide provides many advantages over chlorine.

Hospital Water

Making sure that the water is properly disinfected is very important for both preventing infections from occurring and spreading in hospitals.

There are two main disinfection processes hospitals must consider:

  • shock disinfection of the water distribution systems (cold, hot, and toilet flush water).
  • continual disinfection during hospital operation.

In both cases, disinfection is critical, because hospitals shelter sick people with compromised immune systems.

The best disinfectant for treating hospital water is chlorine dioxide because chlorine dioxide provides a measurable residual and is very effective against bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and super bugs.

Wastewater Disinfection

Disinfecting wastewater is a first line of defense against waterborne infections. Effluent disinfection with proper treatment is just one barrier in a multi-barrier approach for delivering clean drinking water.

Swimming Pool Disinfection

Disinfecting swimming pools is critical for public pools and highly recommended for private pools. Without proper disinfection, water can carry bacteria and spread diseases caused by protozoa (single cell organisms) and fungi.

Lagoon Water Disinfection

Lagoon disinfection becomes critical when coliform counts exceed regulatory values prior to lagoon discharge.

With growing requirements for wastewater treatment, disinfecting lagoon effluent may soon become a mandatory step.

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Contact Us
Osorno Enterprises Inc.
976 Elgin Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 1B4

+1 204 488-1538 (Phone)
+1 204 488-1566 (Fax)
+1 204 294-1539 (Emergency)
Hours of Operation

We are closed on December 24 - 28, 2020 and
December 31, 2020 - January 4, 2021
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Osorno will be closed for the holidays from December 25-27, and December 31 to January 1.
In case of EMERGENCY please call (204) 294-1539.

© Osorno Enterprises Inc.