Environmental Technologies & Solutions
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Company History

Osorno's company history begins in Europe.

In 1985, Dr. H. Peter Hombach and Mr. Walter Frechen founded Osorno's predecessor, EURAM Innovative Technologies, in the country of Germany. EURAM quickly established itself in North America, incorporating in the State of North Dakota.

While a venture capital fund took over the German division in 1989, the American division relocated to Canada in 1998, changing its name to Osorno in 2000.

Osorno began operation on September 1, 2000, building on the success of Euram Innovative Technologies.

In 2020, we celebrated 35 years of Osorno's company history as a leader of environmental technologies and process automation.

Our current management team continues to uphold the Osorno Mission Statement.

Site Map
Contact Us
Osorno Enterprises Inc.
976 Elgin Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 1B4

+1 204 488-1538 (Phone)
+1 204 488-1566 (Fax)
+1 204 294-1539 (Emergency)
Hours of Operation

We are closed on December 24 - 28, 2020 and
December 31, 2020 - January 4, 2021
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Osorno will be closed for the holidays from December 25-27, and December 31 to January 1.
In case of EMERGENCY please call (204) 294-1539.

© Osorno Enterprises Inc.